Adrenal fatigue is very common in this day and age with all of the stresses and strains that we have to take on each day.

Rushing to work, meeting deadlines, keeping up a social life, getting the kids sorted for school and after school activities.

There is so much to do and to think about all of the time that it can begin to take its toll.

The adrenal glands play a big part in keeping your stress levels under control, however in times of severe stress and when you’re taking too much on in life, your adrenal glands may not be able to produce enough adrenaline to cope with your stress levels and this leads to adrenal fatigue.


The Mental Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

The mental symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue can include:

  • difficulty concentrating
  • slow reactions
  • inability to process information
  • confusion and depression
  • other psychological symptoms, such as hallucinations and personality or mood changes.

People suffering from adrenal fatigue can have symptoms similar to patients suffering from psychiatric and psychological disorders.

Many patients of depression often complain of extreme fatigue and say that this is one of the most distressing parts of their illness as they don’t feel that they can conjure the energy to do simply day to day tasks.

Of course, psychological changes are a very severe issue and it is very important that these are not ignored and are dealt with.

How Can Adrenal Fatigue Lead to Mental Problems?

Adrenal fatigue can often have mental symptoms and can lead to depression.

This is mainly down to the fact that mental illnesses are often linked to problems with the hormones.

The adrenal hormones are actually responsible for many functions of the body, and they play a big part in mental functioning and mood control.

High stress levels can lead to an adrenal hormone deficiency, thus your body is unable to cope with the stress and mental functioning and mood control are reduced.

A hormone imbalance in the body can lead to chemical imbalances in the brain, and this can bring on depression and other psychological problems.

How To Fight Mental Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Educating yourself about the problems that you’re facing is the best way to combat adrenal fatigue, so make sure that you read up about adrenal fatigue and find out as much as you can, stock up on healthy recipes and become an expert so that you know what to do and what to avoid.

Related Adrenal Story: The Top 5 Tips To Reduce Adrenal Fatigue Today

The mental symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue can be avoided just like all of the other symptoms.

  • It is important that you get plenty of rest, especially when you are feeling fatigued. Perhaps take a vacation, or do something relaxing in the evening. Get a babysitter for the children, even if it’s just so that you can sit in the peace and quiet for a while.
  • Make sure that you eat enough to keep your energy levels up but stay within the recommended calorie intake each day. Eat healthily, as although it may be tempting during stressful times to grab quick snacks and takeaways, this will only exacerbate the problem. Avoid stimulants like coffee and high sugar foods which will give you a quick fix but will make you feel worse later.
  • Catch up on your sleep. Make sure that even if you have a lot to worry about that you get your 8 hours minimum a night. If you have tight deadlines, explain your situation and that you’re feeling overly exhausted and ask for an extension. Try to get a nap when you can.
  • Exercise! Exercise is proven in numerous studies to help with psychological problems and depression. Even if you can only squeeze in an hour a day in three 20 minute sessions, that’s better than nothing. Walk or cycle to work. Take a stroll on your lunch break. Do a few sit ups in the morning before you jump in the shower. Walk the dog after tea. Whatever it is, it will help to reduce your stress levels and increase the efficiency of your adrenal glands.
  • Take the time out to visit a detox retreat to get some peaceful time where you can relax, do some exercise, meditate, eat antioxidant foods and generally recuperate.

Most of all, take care of yourself! If you need help, ask for it.

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