As autumn is fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about getting our bodies in tip-top condition to help fight off colds and winter blues.

And one of the best herbal remedies that you can go to help your body before the weather turns is Echinacea.

Many US, UK, and worldwide studies have suggested that Echinacea can significantly boost the immune system, helping to fight off winter coughs and colds.

American researchers found that by taking Echinacea supplements every day prior to the autumn season, you can cut the chances of getting a cold by nearly 60%.

It also showed to reduce the duration of having a cold by 1.5 days.


So what exactly is this miracle herbal supplement?

Echinacea is a plant species that is indigenous to North America.

It is also known as American coneflower and belongs to the daisy family.


This plant was turned into a herbal remedy used for its medicinal benefits by Native Americans long before European explorers arrived.

However, by the 1800s, the herbal remedy was used throughout the US and Europe.

In the 1920s, the Germans conducted a number of studies on the herbal remedy which uncovered the extent of its benefits, thus making it far more popular.

Today, Echinacea is available across the world as an over the counter supplement in supermarkets, pharmacies and health stores.


Echinacea As A Herbal Remedy

There are three different species of Echinacea that are commonly used for their medicinal benefits.

These are Narrow Leaf Coneflower, Pale Purple Coneflower, and Eastern Purple Coneflower.

All species of Echinacea (and most other plants) contain phenols, which are active chemicals that control a plant’s cell receptors and enzymes.

Phenols also act like antioxidants and help to protect plants from infections and diseases.

They are also believed to be very good for the health of the human body, and it is the phenols that are believed to be responsible for the majority of the immune system boosting in humans.

But Echinacea has more in store.

It also contains alkamides and these are also known to have positive effects on the immune system in humans.

There are still various claims that Echinacea does not, in fact, help to reduce cold and flu symptoms at all, but the fact remains that there have been many, many studies since the 1990s that show that there is a definite health improvement in people who take the herbal remedy regularly.

One thing that is for sure is that it certainly won’t harm you so there is no harm in taking it as an additional supplement, and if there is an improvement in your immune system then that’s great!

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