Wheatgrass, A Natural Way To Live Longer

There are some extremely interesting facts about the health benefits of wheatgrass that may have escaped you. Wheatgrass is simply a baby wheat plant that is extremely high in nutrients, particularly Chlorophyll. Studies prove that Chlorophyll is extremely beneficial and wheatgrass has as a high a concentrate as anything else that grows on land.


What is wheatgrass good for?

Wheatgrass has anti-aging properties, it helps you look and feel younger and is amazing for the skin. It also aids with digestion and helps to boost the immune system. A body with a very high and effective immune system will resist serious diseases that plague Western countries. it can help to increase energy levels and it can enable the body to detoxify too.

Wheatgrass is genuine super food and embraced by the health conscious for a long time. The history of the consumption of wheatgrass as a super food dates right back to the 1930s. Research was done and the results proved that this wonderful natural plant had lots and lots of health benefits.

Why is wheatgrass good for you, the scientific bit

Wheatgrass contains lots of nutrients including chlorophyll, a range of vitamins and minerals, amino acids and other nutrients.

The anti-aging properties as well as some of the other health benefits are down to the chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is essential in the diet as discovered by a German scientist named Dr Richard Willstatter back in 1913. He found that the molecular structure of chlorophyll was very similar to haemoglobin which is the red pigment in the red blood cells of the human body.

The only difference is that the central atom in chlorophyll is in fact magnesium where as the central atom found in haemoglobin is iron. The main benefit of chlorophyll is that it oxygenates your blood.

Oxygenating the blood is important as all cells in the body need oxygen to repair themselves, multiply and to keep the body younger.  Chlorophyll also delivers magnesium to the body, magnesium is a vital supplement for the body and is sadly deficient in most of us with our typical Western diet

It is believed that wheatgrass helps to fight off the onset of diseases like cancer, which is in part a result of the chlorophyll oxygenating the blood and helping to create an alkaline environment. It is high in fibre, which aids digestion and it is a great way to detoxify the body because it neutralises toxins in the body and it also helps to remove drug deposits from within the body, which is great if you have to take any medications for illnesses.

So what does H.O.P.E. stand for?

Living foods all have HOPE, which stands for Hormones, Oxygen, Phytochemicals and Enzymes. These four things are in all raw living foods, and all are essential for our longevity.

Hormones are a bit like messengers in the body, hormones are produced by certain organs in the body that then communicate to our cells and other organs what to do. For example the pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which then regulates how much our cells use up food sugar.

Oxygenated foods help the red blood cells in the blood carry more oxygen around the body, this is anti-inflammatory and also alkalises the body which can, (for instance) help the body deal with difficult skin conditions.

Phytochemicals are plant chemicals that have protective or disease preventive properties that help cells in a manner of ways and enable our bodies to be resistant to diseases.

Enzymes are our bodies catalyst for facilitating self healing and the bodies natural chemical reactions, the body carries thousands of enzymes and our body could not function without them. Foods that are Enzyme rich support our bodies efforts in producing enzymes that we need to breath, digest and carry out all other functions.

So how do I get wheatgrass in my diet?

The most nutritious way of incorporating wheatgrass into your diet is to eat it fresh. The recommended dose is to take two lots of 2oz shots twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon or evening. Wheatgrass can be grown easily at home, and so it doesn’t even have to cost much. Here at Amchara Detox, we are growing wheatgrass at the new retreat in January 2013. We will teach you how to grow this at home yourself, I am growing this at home with Justin and it’s very easy to do though it does take up a little bit of space so a shelving unit or 2 is a good idea!

Personally I really like the taste of wheatgrass but some people find it too much, you can try taking a piece of apple with it or you can add a shot to a juice or a smoothie. We have even got a great recipe for you to do at home.

Wheatgrass super food green juice recipe


  • 1 pear
  • 4oz wheatgrass
  • 1 apple
  • 3 sticks of celery
  • Half a cucumber
  • Juice of one lemon
  • A cube of ginger
  • A leaf of mint for flavour and presentation

Simply juice all of the ingredients and enjoy!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you have any questions then please feel free to email me.

Karen x