A raw chocolate torte is so easy and quick to make. So when you fancy that little piece of something “sweet and indulgent”, that won’t take more than 5 minutes to make, the chocolate torte is the way to go! Not only does it taste great but it’s packed with good healthy oils, fibre and anti-oxidants.


And who said that chocolate was bad for you?

You’ll be pleased to know that raw chocolate is bursting with nutrition and has the highest anti-oxidant value of all the natural foods in the world!

Cocoa contains nearly twice the anti-oxidant levels of red wine and up to three times as much anti-oxidants as green tea. The wonderful “beauty” mineral sulphur that helps our hair and nails grow strong as well as help keep our skin beautiful is also to be found in this super food.

There is also the bioflavonoid benefit which helps maintain healthy blood flow and the wonderful chemical serotonin, which releases those, feel good endorphins.

It does leave one questioning, is there really any reason to deprive yourself of something so deliciously sweet and indulgent?

So surprise yourself and follow the delicious recipe below….

Mixing Raw Chocolate Torte


Torte Base

  • 1 cup dried shredded coconut

  • 1 cup dried macadamia nuts

  • Pinch of Himalayan crystal salt

  • ¼ cup chopped pitted dates packed


Chocolate Mousse Filling

  • 2 avocados, peeled and seeded

  • 5 tablespoons cocoa powder

  • ½ cup evaporated cane juice (substitute with agave nectar)

  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract

  • Pinch of Himalayan crystal salt

  • Pinch cinnamon



  1. Process the coconut in the food processor first. Then add the nuts and salt and process together to form a coarse meal. Next add the dates and process again until the mixture is loose and crumbly but will hold together.

  2. Press the mixture into a 9-inch ungreased tart pan and place in the refrigerator to chill whilst making the filling.

  3. Place the avocados, cocoa powder, evaporated cane juice, vanilla, salt and cinnamon in the food processor and process until filling is completely smooth.

  4. Spread the chocolate filling evenly over the torte base.

  5. Add layers of banana or strawberries if desired.

  6. Place in the fridge to chill or indulge straight away.

  7. Eat to your hearts content!

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