As it’s International Chocolate Pudding Day on 26th June, we thought we’d share a guilt-free raw vegan chocolate ‘cheesecake’ recipe with you so that you can join in the fun!

It’s really tasty, guilt-free, suitable for a raw food diet and suitable for vegans! Of course, it’s not really cheesecake, but it tastes just a yummy! Give it a go and send us your photos on the Facebook page.




For the crust:

250g almonds
200g raisins
20g shredded coconut
1 teaspoon pure vanilla
1 teaspoon coconut water or plain water


Grind the almonds into a flour in a food processor, then add the raisins and continue processing until the raisins are broken up. Add the coconut and vanilla and incorporate with the mixture. Next add the coconut or pure water to the mixture and keep processing until completely combined. It is ready when it holds together when you press it in your hand. Press evenly into the bottom of a 12″ cake tin and set aside in the fridge while you make the filling.


For the filling

350g cashews
160ml maple syrup
180ml water
75g cocoa powder
1 tbsp pure vanilla
pinch salt
5 tbsp melted coconut oil
4 tbsp melted coconut butter

In a blender, add the cashew nuts, maple syrup, salt, vanilla and water until it forms a nice smooth and creamy consistency. When combined, add the coconut oil and butter and blend a little more until they are mixed in. Add the cacao powder last and blend again, you should now have a fairly stiff thick mixture. Pour over the crust and then place the whole cheesecake in the fridge for 12 hours or overnight.


Top with fresh chopped strawberries before serving.

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