With the festive season upon us, one of everyone’s favourite holiday past times is getting together with our loved ones.

Food helps bring everyone closer and Christmas is they typical time for over-indulgence. Excessive binging on heavy foods, puddings and alcohol can leave you feeling sluggish and exhausted.

So this year, enjoy a healthy, happy Christmas, feel energised, fresh and relaxed throughout the holiday period.


A touch of spice

Spicy flavours like cinammon, nutmeg and clove instantly bring out the festive feeling, but they’re also good for your health.

Fill your home with these natural festive and uplifting scents by infusing a stick of cinammon in warmed honey, add a spoon to hot tea as a detoxing sweetener, or stir into hot water with a slice of lemon, for a quick and delicious health boost.

Or try spicing up warming soups with fragrant flavours like turmeric, chilli and lemongrass.

Christmas Spices


Keep it colourful – beautiful beetroot

A touch of colour is just what you need to brighten up your home around Christmas. Fresh, colourful fruits and vegetables give a much needed boost of vitamins and minerals, perfect to boost your health in the colder winter months and help your body detox.


Mix up fresh chutneys, try combining apple and beetroot. Apple adds natural sweetness and fibre to detox a sluggish digestive system, while beetroot is packed with nutrients, helping your liver to eliminate toxins.


Nuts in your stockings

Nuts and dried fruits are a festive staple and make the perfect healthy nibbles, although be mindful of portion size as they are high in calories. Packed with a variety of essential nutrients and healthy fats, nuts can help keep your skin looking healthy at this time of year when you’re exposed to wintry weather and the drying effects of central heating.


Choose a wide variety of nuts in different dishes. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and zinc, perfect for fighting off the flu and boosting your immunity. Creamy, delicious Brazil nuts are wonderful mixed into pesto, and are rich in selenium, a nutrient which boosts heart health.

Check out our retreat testimonials, and find out how you can revitalise your health on an Amchara Personalised Health retreat over the festive season.