1 Bananas are rich in tryptophan, which converts to serotonin in the body, a mood boosting neurotransmitter, so it’s great if you suffer from depression or are feeling blue.

2 Eating bananas before exercise helps to boost energy, and the potassium in them also helps to recover after a workout.

3 The potassium in bananas help to reduce leg and muscle cramps at night – a good night’s rest at last!

4 Bananas help to reduce the amount of calcium lost during urination.

5 Bananas help to relieve stress and improve mood, great for during PMS or after a stressful day at work

bunch of bananas

6 The B6 content in bananas help with weight loss, keeps a healthy level of white blood cells and helps to prevent type 2 diabetes

7 Bananas are high in iron so help to prevent anaemia and promote healthy blood

8 High blood pressure is a thing of the past as bananas contain high levels of potassium but low salt levels, this means less risk of heart attack and stroke too

9 Bananas are rich in pectin like pears, this they help to flush heavy metals and other nasty toxins from the body

10 The prebiotic type action from bananas helps to keep good levels of good bacteria in the digestive system and also helps to absorb nutrients from food

11 The high fibre content improves digestion flow and reduces the risk of constipation

12 At the other end of the scale, bananas can help to restore electrolytes balance after having diarrhoea

13 No more heartburn, thanks to the natural antacid action of bananas

14 Relieve stomach ulcers with banana – the only fruit that is low enough in acidity to sooth the stomach

15 The increased calcium absorption from eating banana helps to fight against kidney cancer, macular degeneration and improves bone strength

16 High potassium improves cognitive function, so get eating before an exam or a long working day

17 Antioxidant levels are high in bananas, helping to fight against illness and disease caused by cell damage from free radicals

18 Bananas help to regulate blood sugar, making them a great snack between lunch and dinner

19 Rubbing banana skin on insect bites or hives can help to reduce swelling and itchiness

20 Eating a banana as a snack helps to prevent over-eating

21 Lower your body’s temperature by eating a banana when the weather is warm

22 Reduce the effects of seasonal effective disorder in winter by eating a banana each day

23 They can help to stave off withdrawal effects and prevent craving when quitting smoking

24 Tape the inside of banana skin against a wart for a few days to remove the wart

25 Polish your shoes by rubbing the inside of your banana skin and drying off with a lint-free cloth