What is the lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system is one of the most overlooked, and yet simultaneously the most significant, organ systems in the body. Few have heard of it, and yet it plays a vital role in naturally detoxing your body, removing waste from every cell, while also helping to regulate the immune system. It is comprised of a complex network of organs and tissues including vessels, ducts, lymph nodes, the spleen, the thymus, the adenoids, and the tonsils.

In the modern internet world there is an overwhelming amount of information; it can be hard for you to find health advice that you can trust, particularly as the main media channels are typically dominated with a single, orthodox narrative. That’s why our articles are alway evidence-based and orientated towards a holistic and Personalised Health approach, to provide you with actionable knowledge and tips to help you on your journey to optimal health.

In this article, we aim to explain the vital role of the lymphatic system, as well as how to support and detox it when toxins build up, to keep it flowing smoothly.

The fluid that flows through the lymphatic system is known as lymph, which is made up of different components (including proteins, bacteria, and fats) as it travels through different parts of the body. Regardless of its content at any given time, it is imperative that it is able to flow freely to ensure that waste products do not build up. However, at times, the system can become clogged, due to a variety of factors including poor diet, overexposure to environmental toxins, or a lack of sleep or stress/emotional trauma, which can stagnate and sometimes even stop the lymph flow.

It is important to get the system flowing again in order to avoid increasingly serious iterations of the symptoms listed below.


There are a number of symptoms that can be evident of a clogged lymphatic system, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Stiffness, especially in the morning
  • Itchy and dry skin
  • Swelling in your fingers
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Weakened immunity
  • Excess weight
  • Food sensitivities or allergies

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms regularly, then taking measures to decongest and detox your lymphatic system, such as those suggested below, may be the the key to rejuvenation and rebalancing of your body.

Opening up your lymphatic channels is also crucial before you jump into any other type of detoxification programme to ensure it is most effective.


1. Stay hydrated

Lymph fluid is about 95% water and becomes thicker and less fluid when you are dehydrated, which is conducive to build-ups and blockages. Staying well-hydrated by sipping warm water throughout the day can help keep your lymph flowing well, as can avoiding too many sugar-laden soft drinks which can add an additional metabolic burden on the body.

2. Move your lymph naturally

The natural movement of the lymph fluid can also be boosted with physical activity such as exercise, and massage or self-massage. When you sit for long periods of time, you may notice that fluid can build up and your legs may become swollen. This is due to stagnation of lymph flow and can be prevented by frequent moving and massage.

As the lymphatic system does not have a built-in pumping system, it relies on the rhythmic tensing and relaxing of the muscles during physical movement in order to wring out the tissues and propel fluid through the lymphatic channels.

Gentle exercise, such as stretching or yoga, can therefore help to move your muscles and decongest the lymph vessels, as can a massage. Special attention should be paid to areas of the body where lymph nodes (structures that monitor and cleanse the lymph fluid) are located, such as in the head, neck, and feet.

Exercise also helps encourage perspiration, which is another method that helps to release toxins, therefore lightening the toxic load on the lymphatic system.

3. Deep breathing

Throughout the day, most people do not breathe especially deeply, particularly while focusing on tasks, during which many people actually subconsciously hold their breath for periods of time. This can have an adverse effect on the free flow of the lymphatic system, and it is therefore important to make a conscious effort to take time to practise deep breathing throughout the day in order to not only relieve tension and anxiety, but also to move the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to push more lymph through the vessels.

Deep breathing, and other mindfulness techniques such as tai chi and meditation, can also help to reduce stress, which is important in minimising the important effect stress exerts on your lymphatic system, digestion, and overall health.

When you learn to understand your emotions and responses to stress and adopt healthy ways to become more mindful and manage stress, your lymph will flow much more smoothly.

4. Nutrition

In order to reduce the amount of toxins that the lymphatic system has to deal with, it is important to monitor your food intake to ensure you are consuming a balanced variety of food, and reduce your exposure to potentially damaging chemicals in food (as well as from chemicals found in air, personal care products, and water).

Avoiding processed additives, chemicals, and artificial ingredients in food is therefore important for optimum detoxification, as is opting for healthy, anti-inflammatory food including green leafy vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids, and herbs and spices such as ginger, turmeric, and garlic.

Eating organic versions of these foods wherever possible will also expose you to far fewer pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, and will lower the toxic stress on the body.


Your lymphatic system is a greatly under-appreciated, but vital, bodily system that needs to be cared for and maintained as best as possible.

Taking simple measures such as the ones mentioned in this article, and trying to incorporate them into your daily routine, can help to boost, and naturally decongest, your lymphatic system, keeping it freely flowing and functioning to the best of its ability for optimum results for your skin, digestion, and overall health.

If you want to further supplement and boost your lymphatic and immune systems, as well as remove some of the pressure on them through exploring other detoxification methods, why not come to Amchara for a relaxing detox health retreat in our tranquil surroundings?

With expert advice on hand from our experienced practitioners, you can benefit from personalised health advice, tailored to your needs and goals to help you maximise your health gains.

Juicing and fasting may be recommended, according to your personal situation and unique health needs.

You will be immersed in a supportive and nurturing environment that enables you to switch off, relax and kickstart your health journey, including physical activities and empowering, educational talks.

Or why not try Amchara Juicery – cold-pressed, nutritious juices delivered to your door to help you boost your health, naturally.

Created by Amchara’s expert in-house health team, you can enjoy a range of fresh, organic juice cleanses (and super soups) at home.

This article is based on scientific evidence, written by experts, and fact-checked by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strive to be objective, unbiased, and honest and to present both sides of the argument.

Article references:

1. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/how-to-flush-your-lymph
2. https://chopra.com/articles/decongest-your-lymphatic-system-for-vibrant-health
3. https://www.restorecryosauna.com/19-yes-19-symptoms-clogged-lymphatic-system-can-get-flow-moving/
4. https://www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com/18-signs-your-lymphatic-system-is-clogged-and-how-to-get-it-moving-again/