Our raw food chef and qualified nutritional therapist Magalie, gives us tips on traveling and staying healthy.

Having travelled extensively on long plane journeys as well as worked overseas for the past 5 years, I must say I have had to develop some smart strategies in order to keep healthy. And guess what! It is more than possible. I thought I would share with you some my best tips acquired along the way.

Bring your Nutri Bullet

First of all, I never ever leave for a trip without my amazing Nutri Bullet. This is one tip I have shared with every single client I have had the pleasure to work with and they have thanked me for it ever since. It has a really good extractor which enables you to make smoothies, vegetable-juice consistency as well as nut milk. You will need a nut bag for this but this is dead easy! Nutri Bullet come in various sizes. I have a middle-range one which means I am happy to bring one less pair of shoes or less clothes or a few less beauty products!

Pack some survival goodies

Every time I travel, I always try to go and get some survival goodies which you can pack in your suitcase like nut butters, dried goji berries, medjool dates, energy balls like Bounce balls (or if I have time I make my own ones), kale chips, savoury nut mixes, raw crackers or raw onion bread, buckwheat granola and fruit leathers. It is a good idea to have a mix of savoury and sweet options. You may pack a few in your handbag and the rest in your suitcase. Remember you are allowed food if it is packed in your handbag. If they ever asked you any question, just emphasize you have a health condition which forces you to eat dehydrated food. However, I have never had any problems with carrying food. The problem is usually liquid.

Stock up on your favourite tea

Another useful tip is to always carry with you a few herbal tea bags (Pukka is my favourite brand) as well as some dandelion coffee. Coffee is really tempting when you are travelling but I always nearly end up not being able to sleep or relax as it is always too strong on planes or hotels.

Do you research

Perhaps the most important tip is to research some local health food shops where you are going so you can go and get your essential products when you get there. I always try to ask them also if they know nice healthy cafes or places I am more likely to find healthy food or where the staff is flexible. You should never be scared of explaining what you are doing and why. People usually respond well especially if you keep a smile on your face and remain positive about your dietary preferences.

Don’t be afraid to speak to the chef

If I stay in a hotel, I always ask to see the Executive Chef and explain the diet I am following. Being clear about what you can and cannot eat with a list as well as alternatives is always extremely welcome by the staff. Remember most kitchen staff and even chefs will not have a clue if you just say you are eating a raw vegan diet. They have not been trained to cook or prepare healthy food. You need to write down ideas of easy meals with a list of forbidden food in red. They can keep this in the kitchen at all times. Having worked in 5 star hotel kitchens, I can definitely say this method worked smoothly!

To resist temptation, I always have a few raw cacao or carob truffles I can eat if I am out with people as for me this is the most dangerous time of the day! You are usually tired, drained and your willpower is at its lowest. I personally love the Booja Booja as well as the Ombar raw chocolate. They are absolutely divine!