Naringin is a natural compound that is found in grapefruit, and recent studies have shown that people who have cancerous tumours saw up to a 75% reduction in cervical and breast cancer (oestrogen dependent cancer).

Reports confirm that there have been many other studies into the effects of Naringin on people and animals too, all with similar cancer regression rates.

One particular subject in the study suffering from cervical cancer used naringin saw her cancer levels regress to almost zero cancerous cells remaining.

Other tests have shown that naringin causes what appears to be suicide of cancerous cells (known as apoptosis, a type of programmed cell death). 

Naringin has been proven in testing to be an anti-carcinogenic and a chemopreventive meaning that it interferes with the normal cancer processes preventing its growth and spread.

In particular, studies show that SiHa (cervix/uterus) cancer cells were drastically effected by naringin.

A study spokesperson stated that tests showed results of 5% inhibition of SiHa cervical cancer, with the cancerous cells dying and mutating in various ways leading to a reduction in the number of cells.

Tests have also shown an increase in proteins that cause the death of cancer cells, suggesting that naringin both inhibits cell formation and growth and kills off cancerous cells.

In terms of breast cancer, naringin inhibited the spread and growth of cancer cells and also caused cell suicide.

Results showed large numbers of cancerous cells becoming damaged or completely destroyed, preventing the ability to re-establish cancerous tumours.

Many women develop breast cancer after radiation exposure in mammograms but naringin even appears to be able to offer protection in relation to radiation induced cell damage leading to cancer.

Another interesting fact appears to be able to scavenge out free radicals thanks to its high antioxidant levels, again helping to reduce the risk of cancer.

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