Instead of sharing off the shelf chocolates (which are full of sugar and nasties) with your loved one this Valentines Day – why not try these delicious chocolates? Sugar free and dairy free, this recipe was created by Hollie, the manager at Amchara Gozo.

Makes two chocolate mold trays.



2 cups Coconut oil

3/4 cup White carob

4 tsp Lucuma

2 tsp Baobab

1/4 tsp Tumeric powder

1/2 tsp Reishi powder

5 drops Vanilla extract or scrape 1/2 pod

3 drops of liquid Stevia

Pumpkin seeds (activated and dehydrated)

Sunflower seeds (activated and dehydrated).


Melt the coconut oil in a bain-marie (or in one bowl inside a larger bowl of warmer water)

Stir in the superfoods

Fold in the seeds

Pour into chocolate moulds and put straight into the freezer (do this quickly to ensure ingredients do not separate)

Store in fridge and share!

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