Vegetable Juices | Fruit Juices | Breakfast JuiceAntioxidant JuiceSpicy CucumberSuper SproutYouth Juice

Well, it’s that time again when we feed your recipe books with more tasty and healthy detox juices.

Ideal for not only when you are on a juice cleanse, but also to accompany an everyday healthy diet.

We hope you enjoy!

It is definitely worth buying a juicer regardless if you’re on a detox or not.

Just for the benefits that the large amounts of vitamins and minerals that fresh juice can deliver in one hit.

You will not get the same benefits from shop purchased ‘freshly squeezed’ juices; orange juice, for example, begins to lose its vitamin content seven minutes after being squeezed.

Fresh juices get you gorgeous


With the run up to the party season only weeks away, it’s time to start planning.

Picking favourite outfits also means getting into your best shape, so you really can dress to impress.

While crash diets might be tempting, they’re proven to be ineffective for weight loss, and can have serious impacts on your health, a much easier, effective and delicious solution is stocking up on fresh, healthy juices.

Check out our top tips on how fresh juices can get you looking and feeling great this winter.

More than just weight-loss, get a total beauty makeover

Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are a huge celeb trend, and not without good reason.

Fresh juices are made straight from the fruit and consumed within hours, if not sooner, meaning valuable nutrients don’t get a chance to decompose and disappear.

Packed with your 5 a day and so much more nutritional goodness than pre-processed juices, these give your body a boost of much-needed vitamins and minerals.

Choose a varied mix of fruit and vegetables, from citrus fruits to nutrient-packed veggies like spinach and kale, plus some extra protein-rich superfoods like spirulina and wheatgrass.

All of these extra nutrients and detoxing will give you an instant health boost – with glowing, youthful looking skin, fantastic shiny hair, and best of all, help you slip back into your favourite party outfit in time.

Get a power-boost of energy

As well as getting you looking gorgeous, fresh juices will also give you a boost of much-needed energy, right in time for the busiest shopping and party season of the year.

Protein-rich boosters like spirulina, give your body a healthy boost to boost cell growth and brain function, while fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin B will help you feel more energetic and alert.

Delicious and nutrient-packed ideas for juices and smoothies include bananas, tomatoes, avocado and canteloupe.

Keep your winning streak going, all the way into 20..

The health benefits of fresh juices aren’t just for Christmas, keep your newfound health going through the New Year to enjoy the long term benefits.

As well as improving your skin and enhancing well-being, nutrient-rich juices from fruits and vegetables are ideal for helping your body heal itself from long-term conditions, helping you reduce high blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and boost your immune system for long-term resilience to illness.

Discover the health benefits of fresh raw juices with a juice fasting detox retreat, try out some delicious recipes for making fresh fruit and vegetable juices yourself, and get inspired with video testimonials from people who’ve already enjoyed the benefits of fresh juices.

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Start and Enjoy Experimenting

You don’t get all the fiber of the fruit and veg when juicing them.

BUT, the vitamin content is more than you would get otherwise because – let’s be honest – who would eat eight oranges in one sitting?

Not many of us, but a big glass of juice might contain the juice of eight oranges.

Buy a juicer with a removable filter so you don’t have to clean the whole machine each time you use it.

Buy organic fruit and vegetables where available, and clean, peel, deseed and chop them up before putting them into the juicer.

Experiment with your favorite ingredients to develop your own recipes, or try some of the following:

Vegetable based combinations

  • 3 carrots, 2 fennel stalks and half a lemon
  • 3 carrots, 2 celery stalks, 1 inch piece of fresh root ginger and half an apple
  • 3-4 carrots, 1-2 celery stalks and a small wedge of cabbage
  • 1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, 3 celery stalks, half cucumber and 5 lettuce leaves
  • 5 handfuls spinach, 1 cucumber and 2 carrots
  • 1 beetroot, 2 carrots, a small handful of spinach, 2 tomatoes and a squeeze of fresh lime juice
  • 5 carrots, 1 apple and half a beetroot
  • Half head of broccoli, a handful of watercress, a handful of parsley, 1 stick of celery and half a fresh pineapple
  • 4-5 carrots, half a lemon, 1 apple, small wedge of red cabbage and a small piece of fresh root ginger
  • 3 celery stalks, a handful of spinach, 2 asparagus stalks and 1 large tomato
  • A large leaf each of kale and collard, a handful of parsley, 1 celery stalk, 1 carrot, half red pepper, 1 tomato and 1 large broccoli floret

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Fruit based combinations

  • 2 apples, 2 pears and a 1 inch piece of fresh root ginger
  • A handful of blueberries, handful of raspberries, 1 apple and 2 nectarines
  • 1 orange, 1 mango and 1 kiwi fruit
  • 12 strawberries and 4-5 carrots
  • A large slice of watermelon, a cup of ripe strawberries and the juice and zest of 1 lime
  • 2 oranges, 4 carrots and a 1 inch piece of fresh root ginger
  • A large bunch of seedless grapes, 1 apple and some fresh mint leaves

Green Dream Juice


Delicious and refreshing green juice – ideal for breakfast, with a touch of apple sweetness.


  • 4 Leaves Kale
  • 1 courgette
  • 1 head broccoli
  • 2 apples
  • Juice ½ lemon


Juice all ingredients in a juicer and serve with ice if desired.

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Antioxidant Green Juice Recipe


This is a really simple, tasty and addictive green juice recipe that you can happily indulge in to hike up your daily values and detox your body.

Apples are high in vitamin C and taste beautifully sweet.

Antioxidant-rich spinach and parsley are also high in vitamin A and C and iron.

Cucumber and lemon add flavour and immune-boosting phytonutrients.

Warming and spicy ginger aids digestion.

The optional wheatgrass has anti-ageing properties, so it helps to keep you looking and feeling younger for longer! It’s the perfect breakfast juice!


  • 1 handful parsley
  • 2 apples
  • 1 handful spinach
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 lemon
  • 1-inch piece ginger
  • 1 handful of wheatgrass (optional)
  • Sprig of mint


Peel the apples and ginger and chop ginger, apples and cucumber into small pieces.

Juice the lemon and add all ingredients into a blender/juicer.

Blend, pour into a glass over ice, add your mint sprig and enjoy!

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Spicy Cucumber


Cucumbers are a healthy choice as they are rich in chlorophyll and silica, great for youthful healthy glowing skin.

They also aid digestion, especially in this spice mix.

INGREDIENTS for 1 serving

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 peeled clove garlic
  • 2 trimmed green onions
  • 1 jalape pepper
  • 2 small limes
  1. Process the ingredients in any order through your juicer.
  2. Stir to mix the juice and serve over ice.


  • Calories: 98
  • Fat: 1g
  • Protein: 3.5g
  • Sodium: 12mg
  • Carbohydrates: 27g
  • Sugar: 9g

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Super Sprout

Super Sprout

Adding sprouts to your juice gives some amazing health benefits.

First, sprouts have a mild flavour so you can add lots and won’t change the flavour.

Further, most sprouts contain much higher concentrations of micro-nutrients than fully grown vegetables and are an easy way to pack your juice full of nutrients while maintaining a low calorie count.

INGREDIENTS for 2 servings

  • 50g broccoli sprouts
  • 40g bean sprouts
  • 40g alfalfa sprouts
  • 3 medium carrots topped and tailed
  • 1 medium apple cored and chopped
  • 1 medium orange peeled and segmented
  1. Process the sprouts through the tube on your juicer.
  2. Add the carrots, one at a time, keeping the speed constant.
  3. Add your apple chunks.
  4. Add the orange segments.
  5. Mix the juice thoroughly before serving.


  • Calories: 211
  • Fat: 1.5g
  • Protein: 8.2g
  • Sodium: 170mg
  • Carbohydrates: 48g
  • Sugar: 27g

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Youth Juice

carrot and cauliflower juice

This amazing youth elixir as we like to call it is a juice that helps to keep you younger for longer, restores energy and packs a real nutritional punch.

The parsley not only adds necessary chlorophyll but balances the flavour for those who find the cauliflower flavour too strong.

INGREDIENTS for 1 serving

  • 4 medium carrots topped and tailed
  • 50g cauliflower florets
  • Handful fresh parsley

Cauliflower contains high levels of boron, which promotes healthy brain function, helps to lower bad cholesterol levels, fights against arthritis and protects against fungal infections.

  1. Process the carrots through a juicer.
  2.  Add the cauliflower.
  3. Roll the parsley leaves into a ball to compact them, then add to the juicer.
  4. Whisk the ingredients thoroughly to combine and enjoy over ice.


  • Calories: 117
  • Fat: 1g
  • Protein: 4.5g
  • Sodium: 184mg
  • Carbohydrates: 26g
  • Sugar: 11g

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